Our Strategic Planning Steering Committee and consequent sub-committees have been working hard over the past year.  All committees have been meeting at least once a month, with clear goals in mind and working toward the vision statement outlined from our strategic planning session developed in October 2023.

Below is a recap of the vision statement, along with bulleted reports from the sub-committees on what they have accomplished and are planning for the next 6-12-24 months. We are very pleased with the good work that has been achieved thus far, and are excited about what is to come in the near future! 

St. Mary Parish and School Strategic Plan Vision Statement

I) By the year 2028, St. Mary’s Parish will reflect a strong, united Catholic Christian Community working together to live out our inspirational mission every day.  To do this we will offer more frequent access to the sacraments, 24/7 adoration, and other prayer opportunities that will serve as the source of our interior life.  Formed and strengthened in this way, we will build community by developing a warm welcoming culture, by deepening our identity around our common beliefs and by providing a full faith formation experience.  We will develop our relationship with the broader Charlevoix Community and will have a well-respected and favorable reputation throughout the area.  We will be a community that seeks to spread the Gospel offering many ways for people to come to know the faith and to reconnect with the faith.
II) We will have increased the number of fully engaged parishioners in an environment that is easy for newcomers to join and will offer a full range of activities and services in beautiful and appropriately sized facilities. Our school, through eighth grade, will have over 100 students and will provide a strong classical education.  We will have 50 youth consistently involved in our youth ministry programs.  We will establish ways for every school family to be involved in our Parish ministries. We will work in a positive partnership with public schools and home-schooling families. 
III) We will be successful financially, encouraging 100% of active parishioners to tithe. We will effectively communicate our mission, our vision, and our needs with a goal to inspire parishioners to give at least half of their weekly 10% tithe to our parish. This will result in robust savings and endowment funds, a fully funded mission, and prorated funds for all capital projects with no need for special campaigns.

Committee Reports/Goals/Progress
Culture Committee

The recent parish survey was developed by this committee. They are currently reviewing and analyzing the results

  • Developing plan to become a more welcoming parish
  • Improved greeter and usher training
  • Addition of welcome desk to Parish hallway for weekend Masses
  • Improved messaging

Worship and Evangelization Committee

  • Additional hours of adoration
  • Rosary said during adoration
  • Grow our Parishioners’ understanding of the different ministries St. Mary Parish offers and the important role they play in Parish life
  • Bridge “Pause for Prayer” initiative – began summer, 2024, ongoing

School Advisory Committee

  • Focus on marketing and retention of students by continuing to offer different opportunities (i.e. athletics, enrichment, small school advantage)
  • Additional security measures have been put into place (grants from Michigan State Police)
  • Installation of a playground gate
  • Growth in fundraising efforts
  • Addition of enrichment programming, outreach to homeschool and public school community

Facilities Committee

  • Went through an evaluation process of the current state of the church, school, rectory, and grounds. This process has resulted in a 5 year facilities plan. The committee is currently working to prioritize the identified projects
  • The Committee is also working on the development of a safety/security plan that will align with the school’s plan. Part of this work included submitting an application for the State Police Grant. We were recently informed that our application has resulted in an initial award of $143,000. A majority of funds will be focused on secure entrances. Much more info to come regarding the projects identified in the grant
  • Projects to begin in the next 6 months:
    • New flooring in the church, funded by donors
    • New Sound System
    • Air conditioning, funded by donors

Finance Council

  • This is a long standing council within our parish and was incorporated into the strategic planning in an intentional effort to create greater efficiencies
  • Continues to meet monthly to review parish finances and budget
  • Creating a greater understanding of parishioners tithing
  • Improved annual report
  • Working closely with Facilities committee on short and long term improvements to the Parish & School Campus