The Charlevoix Catholic church was established in August, 1890. The city was named after a French Jesuit missionary, Fr. Francis Xavier de Charlevoix. Bishop Frederic Baraga worked extensively in Northern Michigan and established over 9 missions. His missionary legacy extended all over Northern Michigan and it was through Franciscan missionaries tending...
Check out our Livestream if you are unable to come to Mass for whatever reason. You can also check Fr. Peter's Articles and Homilies here if you would like to dive deeper into them. View our Photo Gallery to see different memories from our past events!
Keep up-to-date with the parish through our different ways of posting events: Bulletin, Website, and Calendar. We have many events and opportunities for you to get involved in the parish. Duc In Altum "Cast Into the Deep"
Join us Sunday, March 16th from 11:00am-2:00pm at St. Mary School.
Click here to register!