Inspired by the Holy Spirit and under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ministry Volunteer assists the Pastor, the St. Mary Pastoral Council and Ministry Volunteer Coordinator (MVC), to support our Parish’s ministries by sharing their time and effort to improve St. Mary’s Parish and the Parish Community.
If you are interested in participating in any of our volunteer ministries, please contact us with which ministry you would like to receive more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
A lay person who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion. The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord to the assembled community at mass during communion.
Eucharistic Minister for the Sick, Homebound and Nursing Homes
A lay person trained to distribute Holy Communion to community members that are unable to attend Mass. Leader will recruit, schedule, train and coordinate necessary activities.
Ministers of the Word
A lay person that shares the Word of God by proclaiming scriptural passages during the Liturgy at the lectern. Leader will recruit, schedule, train and coordinate necessary activities.
Greeter Ministry
Ministers imitate Jesus who welcomed all who sought Him. Ministers will welcome parishioners as they enter for Mass.
Usher Ministry
They direct the seating and procession of the assembly and assist in collections. Leader will recruit, schedule, train and coordinate necessary activities.
Choir Ministry
Volunteers with musical/vocal acumen that assist the Music Director during the Mass. Ministers will report to the Musical Director.
The Sacristan prepares and oversees the articles and elements required for the Liturgy. Duties may include laying out vestments and altar cloths, cruets, chalices and candles, and maintaining the hosts in preparation for the Mass. Leader will recruit, schedule, train and coordinate necessary activities.
Altar Servers
Usually school aged students that assist the priest during the liturgy of the Mass. Their duties include dressing in server attire, lighting candles, Gospel procession, placing the Roman Missal for the priest, transporting the Ciborium (gold bowl), water, wine and the priest’s hand washing articles; assist in distributing Communion, ringing bells carrying candles, incense and the Cross. Pastor and Leader will recruit, schedule, train and coordinate necessary activities.
Healing Prayer Ministry
The Healing Prayer Ministry harnesses the power of the Holy Spirit to pray for those facing physical, spiritual and or mental challenges. The group will communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Eucharistic Adoration Ministry
Eucharistic Adoration is the worshiping of the Eucharist outside of the Mass. The Eucharistic Host is displayed in a “monstrance” on the altar so all can see and pray in the presence of Christ. There is no need to sign-up or ask permission to attend, although volunteers are asked to designate specific times they will attend Adoration in order to have someone present the entire time to adore the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Leader will maintain a list and coordinate volunteers/times of Adoration and communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Wedding Ministry
Wedding Ministers help engaged couples with the logistics associated with marriage ceremonies at St. Mary’s. Leader will encourage volunteer participation, develop curriculum, schedule meetings and communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Sacristy Ministry
General organization and cleaning of the Sacristy and Genesis Room. Candle storage, vase cleaning and storage, vestment and linen arrangement, care and polishing altar brass and gold, and assisting the Pastor as requested.
New Parishioner Welcome
Leader will make personal contact with a parish member who has expressed a desire to volunteer, complete a prepared questionnaire to ascertain the missionary interests of potential volunteers distribute new parishioner questionnaire to appropriate Leader and communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Coffee and Donuts
To encourage Parish fellowship by hosting coffee and donuts event after specific masses. Leader will maintain and coordinate a list of volunteers for donut pick-up and set-up and communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Prayer Chain
A group harnessing the power of prayer to help others in need. The group will communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Rosary Altar Society
With sincere devotion of mind and body, the Altar Society should strive to make their service an acceptable offering to our Lord. Their duties are divided into committees. The purpose of the Altar Society is to promote true Christian charity and the spiritual growth of all women in the Parish. They supply the immediate needs of the altar, sacristy and chapel including:
- Flower and Plant care for the altar, Our Blessed Mother and special occasions
- Coordinating Funeral Luncheons
- Organizing Fundraisers such as the yearly Bake-less Bake-sale
- Organizing cleaning and Decorating of the Church for special occasions
- Organizing Parish Festival
Leaders of each committee will recruit members and maintain volunteer lists. Leaders will coordinate functions for each committee, assign tasks and communicate with the MVC as necessary.
Health Ministry
Ministers provide health related information and classes to adults and students by addressing physical, mental and spiritual needs of parishioners.
Grief Ministry
Leader will make contact with the primary survivor for support several weeks after the funeral. Parish Secretary will provide Leader with name and contact information for surviving family members after parish funerals.
Garden Ministry
Provide gardening knowledge and care to St. Mary’s gardens on Parish grounds.
Filiae Immaculatae Ministry
(Little Flowers of Mary) High School girls interested in volunteer activities of the Parish. Directed by St. Michael’s students to welcome girls from public schools to join in this Ministry.
Ecumenical Community Outreach
Various individuals and groups working together to improve our community.
- Charlevoix Community Food Pantry
- Rainbow Thrift Shoppe
- Night Light Emergency Men’s Winter Shelter
- Joppa House Transitional Women’s Shelter
- Charlevoix Community Christmas Project
- Ellsworth Moms and Tots Center
- St. Joseph’s Wells
- Knights of Columbus
Young Adult Ministry
An informal group sponsoring social events, and activities for young adults.
Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but I give you what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up he stood and walked and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. (Acts 3:6-8)
What does the Healing Prayer Ministry do?
- We pray for physical healing.
- We pray for emotional/spiritual healing.
- We hear God’s voice for another (prophecy). (Prophecy in the New Testament is for encouragement and consolation. (ref. St. Paul))
Who we are:
We are a group of lay men and women who believe in the power of prayer and who strive to obey the command of Jesus as recorded in Mark 16:15-18:
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly think, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
What, When, and Where:
Our regular Prayer Meetings consist of praise and worship, intercessory prayer and personal prayer for those who attend. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm (except on Holy Days) in the church.
In addition, Evening with the Heart of Jesus usually happens about four times a year and is a beautiful encounter with the Lord including Adoration, praise & worship, teaching, testimony, and prayer. Watch our Parish calendar for information on the next Evening with the Heart of Jesus.