Weekend News!

– Good Morning! Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful start to the long weekend. 
– Our adult faith formation program “The Rescue Project” begins on Tuesday, September 12 at 6pm. Please join us for a meal, video and discussion. Online registration forms can be found here: rescue-project-signup. 
– Registration is now open for Encounter Ministries School – Charlevoix Campus. If you are interested in registering or learning more, please click here.
– Starting September 11, daily Mass times will be changing in order to accommodate the Encounter School classes. The new schedule will be: Monday at 5pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 8:30am, Friday at 12:30pm with confessions from 12-12:30pm
– Bishop Walsh will be leading “Pedal and Praise” on Sunday, September 24 from 1:30-7:30 pm. Join the Bishop and others for an afternoon of bike riding, eucharistic adoration and catechesis along the Leelanau trail. All are welcome. 
– A reminder that construction on the prayer garden is planned to begin on Monday, September 11 and is expected to last about 6 weeks. 
– Michigan March for Life will take place on Wednesday, November 8 in Lansing, MI. The Diocese is working on gathering information on parishes that will be sending buses down to Lansing and we will keep you updated on that list. You can learn more at the Michigan March for Life website. 
– Finally, we are pleased to announce our Parish Annual Report for 2022/2023 is attached below. Printed copies will be available at the entrances to the church this weekend and can also be emailed by request. 
– Enjoy your weekend!