Wednesday Greetings!

– Happy Feast of Saints Timothy and Titus

– Just a few reminders and updates for today and tomorrow: 
Construction on the new confessional has begun! Parishioners Nick Antonossi and Larry Campbell have been on the job today and we can already see great progress being made! 
With all the work going on in the church on the confessional, Adoration is cancelled for tomorrow. 
Fr. Peter will hear confessions tonight from 5:00-6:30pm. 
Adult Faith Formation starts at 6:30 this evening in the Parish Center. We will be reviewing Session 3 of the Symbolon Series, Part 2: Walk through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy. 
– All are welcome! 
– Have a great evening – hope to see you tonight! 
 “Listen with the ear of your heart.”– Saint Benedict of Nursia