Good Afternoon! Just a few things for tonight, tomorrow and Friday…. St. Michael Academy will celebrate their Baccalaureate Mass tonight at 6:00pm here at St. Mary Parish. Please join us if you would like to! We still have some openings on the Thursday Adoration schedule for the summer. If you are able to spend a little time with Jesus in the evenings at 6pm or 7pm, please let Mindy know (547-6652). We need some help on Friday in preparation for Mary Ann Stephan’s funeral. If you can help set up the tent, tables and chairs, please respond to this email or call the Parish office to sign up. We will definitely need 3-4 people to help with the tent! Additionally, we could use 1-2 more people to help with serving and clean up on Saturday from about 12-3. Thank you in advance! “It is in the company of Jesus that you work for the glory of God.” — St. John Baptist de la Salle