Good Afternoon!
- Don’t forget the clocks “fall back” this weekend – you can enjoy an extra hour on Sunday morning!
- This weekend we celebrate the All Saints Day. The readings give us a vision of heaven, a reminder of our calling to strive for heaven and then, in the Gospel, Jesus gives us the process to arrive there through the Beatitudes. The readings can be found on the USCCB website.
- Children’s Faith Formation meets this Sunday from 9:15-10:45am.
- The Charlevoix Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held here at St. Mary Parish on Thursday, November 26 from 12-2pm. This year’s meal will be take out style. We are asking parish members to donate desserts and will share more details as we approach Thanksgiving Day.
- St. Mary School is holding its annual Wreath Sale Fundraiser now through November 11. If you are interested in purchasing a wreath, please call or stop in to the Parish office to purchase. Wreaths will be ready for pickup on Monday, November 23 after 3pm.
- The Charlevoix Community Christmas Project is now accepting sign-ups for families who are in need of a little help this year. Please visit the CCCP Facebook page for more details. Once again they are asking for donations of brownie mixes for those families in need.
- We will complete the 40 Days for Life Devotional to battle against abortion on Sunday, November 1. Thank you for taking the time to pray with us for the end to abortion.
- If you can help clean after Masses this weekend please sign up here. We only have about 30 minutes to get the church sanitized between Masses so It is very important that we have people signed up to help clean after the 9am Mass. Please help if you are able!
- As we approach election day, a reminder to take a look at the USCCB guidelines on Faithful Citizenship on the USCCB website. Please continue to pray for our country and for a safe and peaceful election process.
- Father Peter’s weekly article, All Hallow’s Eve is now available on the Petoskey News Review’s website.
- With some of our “snowbirds” leaving us this time of year, there are a few Thursday Adoration slots that could use some coverage. Please call Mindy in the Parish Office (547-6652) if you are able to spend a little time with Jesus on Thursday afternoons.
- St. Michael Academy, Petoskey, celebrated their annual CS Lewis Festival last Wednesday. We are happy to announce that 2 St. Mary School Alumni were contest winners this year, River Pease (11th grade) and Catherine Hayes (9th grade). The evening event was recorded and can be found on the St. Michael Academy website:
- This weekend’s bulletin can be found here
- Finally, just a reminder to remain vigilant about handwashing, social distancing and masking during this time. Our region has seen a dramatic uptick in COVID-19 cases taking us back to “Phase 4” this week. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy and we want to keep the church doors open!
Have a wonderful weekend!
“Let all creation help you to praise God. Give yourself the rest you need. When you are walking alone, listen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, the sun and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to proclaim the greatness of the one who has given them being.” — St. Paul of the Cross