– Good Morning! Hope you are all enjoying the final days of summer! 🙂 – The Prayer Garden is underway – next steps: concrete! We are watching the process unfold and are excited to see the end result. Please remember to use caution while traveling along the school/church campus sidewalk on Bridge Street. Also a reminder that the rear south east entrance to the church off Bridge Street will be closed off for a few weeks during construction. – Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7pm we will be having an informational meeting for this year’s Middle School Trip: Catholic Youth Summer Camp in Brighton, MI. All St. Mary Middle School Parents (5th through 8th grade) are encouraged to attend. – This Friday, October 6, St. Mary Parish and School will host a “Blue Mass” to honor our service men and women. All are welcome! – Missing from the Parish Kitchen! An 8 quart copper bottom pot and some glass measuring cups have mysteriously gone missing from the Parish kitchen. If you borrowed or picked up by mistake, please return them, Mrs. Mailloux is missing them very much! – Finally, week 4 of the Rescue Project begins tonight at 6pm. Texan style food, video with Fr. Ricardo and group discussion – please join us! – – Enjoy the rest of your afternoon – hope to see you tonight! 