Tuesday Check-in

Good Evening!
– Tonight is the final evening of the Rescue Project. Dinner starts at 6pm!
– We are going to continue collections for World Mission Sunday through this weekend. If you would like to make a donation, please drop it in the offertory basket during the regular collection & note “WMS” in the memo line or you can donate online here.
– St. Mary School will be hosting its annual Evening with the Saints on Thursday, November 2 from 6-7pm. All are welcome to attend.
– St. Michael High School will host it’s annual Cemetery Walk on Monday, October 30 starting at 7pm. See flyer below for details. 
– We will be headed to Lansing on November 8 for the Michigan March for Life. If you are interested in riding the bus, please let the Parish office know or reply to this email.
– Finally, a reminder that Pope Francis has asked all of us to observe a day of prayer, fasting and penance this coming Friday, October 27. We will have another Holy Hour starting at 6:30pm on Friday to pray the rosary, praise and adoration. Please join us to pray for peace in the Ukraine and Israel. 
– Have a wonderful evening – stay warm & dry!