
Good Morning!  Just a few reminders about the calendar this week:  Thank you to everyone who helped take down the Christmas decorations yesterday. We had some great help and it all went very quickly and smoothly.  We have lots of poinsettias that are in need of a good home – they are just outside the church in the hallway, please grab one if you would like one! Mass times for this week:  Monday – No Mass Tuesday – 8:30am Wednesday – 7pm (Confessions 6-7pm) Thursday – 8:30am followed by Adoration until 9pm Friday – Children’s Mass at 8:30am Also a reminder that Mass times change this weekend to 8am and 10am on Sunday so that Fr. Peter can get to Beaver Island for 12:15pm Mass.  We are still collecting socks for the Elders in Tuba City, Arizona where former St. Mary School student, Katie Golski, works. Donations can be dropped in the big blue can outside the Parish office.  Have a great evening!
  “Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.”
— St. Thomas Aquinas


      We are still looking for someone to fill the part-time custodial/maintenance position for the Parish/School. This position averages 12-15 hours per week from about 10am-12:30pm Monday-Friday. If you (or someone you know) are interested, please contact Kendall Hayes – 231-547-6652 or