Mid-week Check in

Good Afternoon!
Just a few reminders for this afternoon: 
Adult Faith Formation continues tonight starting at 6:30pm. Please join us as we explore Session 2 of the Symbolon Series.  If you missed last week and would like to view Session 1 to catch up before you come tonight you can find it on Formed.org. All are welcome anytime!
-Father Peter will be hearing confessions on Wednesdays (starting tonight) from 5pm – 6:30pm.
Children’s Faith Formation begins on Sunday, September 26th at 9am. Middle School/High School Youth Group starts on Sunday, September 26th at 6pm.
-Looking ahead, there will be no Mass on Monday. Daily Mass on Tuesday will be at 7pm so Father Peter can spend some extra time on Beaver Island for meetings at Holy Cross next week. 
-Finally, St. Michael High School is hosting a Michaelmas Celebration on Wednesday, September 29th at the Marian Center. If you would like to attend, please let the Parish office know (547-6652) so we can give them an idea on attendance numbers!  
Enjoy the beautiful weather this afternoon! 
“Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you.”
— St. Thomas Aquinas