Happy Venetian Week!

– Fr. Peter will be on vacation starting Sunday after the 8am Mass. Fr. Jacob Mayer will be here to cover for him next week. 
– Don’t forget to check your calendars and sign up for your photo for the Parish directory. Paper signup sheets are in the Parish hallway or you can sign up online here during the week.
– Also, St. Mary School will have a parade entry in the Venetian parade next Saturday – please join us! If you need a St. Mary shirt to wear, please call the Parish office – 547-6652. The signup genius for the parade is here. We’d love to have as many families as possible so please join us!
– Thank you to everyone who helped with Benny this week. Fr. Peter is on the mend! 
– Finally, Parish office hours will be as follows for the rest of the summer: Monday: 9-12, Tuesday 7:30-3:30, Wednesday 7:30-3:30, Thursday 7:30-3:30, Friday 9-12
* Have a great weekend & enjoy Venetian Week to the fullest! 
“Every grace granted to man has three degrees in order; for by God it is communicated to Christ, from Christ it passes to the Virgin, and from the Virgin it descends to us.”
–St. Bernardine of Siena