October is here! I hope you all have had a good week. As we begin the month of Our Lady of the Rosary, we pray that Mary continues to intercede for us in times of trouble and need. If you are able, take some time out every day to pray the rosary and give thanks to Mary for her constant presence and protection.
- In this Sunday’s readings, we hear about how the Lord has chosen us as His people and has given us all the graces and the care that we need in hopes that we will use these gifts to bear everlasting fruit for His kingdom. the readings can be found here on the USCCB website.
- Right now the forecast for Sunday is showing a 50% chance of rain. It’s too early to call the outdoor Mass now (we are in Northern Michigan, right?) so we will keep an eye on the weather & make the call closer to 11am on Sunday morning.
- A reminder that Sacramental Preparation and Faith Formation classes begin this month. Please call Liz Gengle 231-547-6652×13 to register your children. In addition, JP II High School Youth Ministry kicks off this weekend in Petoskey. For more information, please call the Parish office or email Liz Gengle: egengle@stmaryschoolcharlevoix.org.
- The Diocese reminds us that October is “Respect Life Month”. We will celebrate “Respect Life Sunday” this weekend on Sunday, October 4.
- Special thanks to those who contributed to our Disaster Relief collection last weekend. St. Mary raised $976 for this special collection. All funds will be distributed by the Diocese of Gaylord to those affected by the natural disasters on the west and southeastern coasts of the United States.
- We need some help filling the 7pm slot for Thursday Adoration. If you are able to spend an hour with Jesus on Thursday evenings from 7-8pm, please let Mindy Joy know by calling the Parish office to sign up: 231-547-6652.
- Special thanks to everyone who purchased bulbs as part of the St. Mary School Fundraiser – it has been a great success so far! Bulbs are still available to purchase online through December 1!
- We continue to pray the 40 Days for Life Devotional. Please join us on this 40-day prayer campaign to battle against abortion. More information can be found on the website: 40DaysForLife.com.
- If you can help clean after Masses this weekend please sign up here
- The USCCB guidelines on Faithful Citizenship are available on the USCCB website to provide guidance for Catholics in the upcoming elections.
- Father Peter’s article, Fruit that will Last, is now online on the Petoskey News Review’s website.
- Finally, the bulletin for this weekend can be found here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
“God loves those who thank Him even in suffering.”
— St. Arnold Janssen |