![]() – Fr. Peter will be hearing confessions tonight from 5pm-6pm. – Our annual Rice Bowls have come in – please take one and use it to collect loose change during the Lenten season. Proceeds will go toward helping our local food pantries. – We still have a few Christmas books left – Please let us know if you would like one mailed out to a friend or family member. – Absolute Catholic is hosting a men’s retreat “Staying Awake in the Woke Culture” on Saturday, March 4 from 8am – 3pm. For more information or to register for the conference, please check out their website: absolutecatholic.com – CSA Update: We have hit the 60% mark of our CSA campaign – $55,392. As a reminder, our goal this year is $92, 442. If you have not contributed yet to this year’s campaign, we ask that you please prayerfully consider doing so. Whatever our parish does not raise in contributions will have to be paid out of our general funds. – The Catechism in a Year program has begun! Join Fr. Mike Schmitz for a 365-day reading of the Catechism on the Ascension Press website. If you are interested in joining a small group for discussion on a monthly basis, please call the Parish office to be added to the list so we can let you know a time & date once decided. – Finally, the Augustine Institute has a new (free) app we would like to encourage everyone to download and explore, called Amen. There are information cards in the pews with instructions on how to download and get started – prayer, meditation, pondering God’s word and the Bible in a Year are all there! – Have a great rest of your week! |