Good Thursday Evening!

– A reminder on Friday’s schedule: Mass is at 12:30pm, with confessions from 12-12:30pm and following Mass as needed, Adoration goes from 1pm-4pm, with the Holy Hour & Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm.
– This weekend is World Mission Sunday. If you would like to make a donation, please drop it in the offertory basket during the regular collection & note “WMS” in the memo line.
Save the Date: St. Mary School will be hosting its annual Evening with the Saints on Thursday, November 2 from 6-7pm. All are welcome to attend.
– Additionally, St. Michael High School will host it’s annual Cemetery Walk on Monday, October 30 starting at 7pm. See flyer below for details. 
– Finally, we will be headed to Lansing on November 8 for the Michigan March for Life. Details will be forthcoming, but if you are interested, please let the Parish office know or reply to this email. 
– Have a wonderful evening – enjoy the spectacular fall colors this weekend! 
*Prayer Garden Update! 
The statue/water feature is still under construction so it will be installed next spring. We still have a few more plantings to go in and some more concrete & cobblestone to be poured and then the garden will go to sleep until springtime!