Good Thursday Afternoon!

Just a few things before the weekend is upon us: 
*St. Michael High School’s Christmas Concert is tonight starting at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. 
*This weekend is Food Pantry Weekend. Please bring in your canned/dry goods or use the green envelopes in the pews to make a donation. 
*Sunday is our annual Gingerbread House/Soup Social in the Parish Center starting around 11:30 (after the Rejoice presentation). Please bring a crockpot of soup to share (don’t forget a ladle!) and a bag of candy to share for decorating the gingerbread houses. 
*Liz Gengle is leading an Advent retreat at Holy Childhood on Saturday, Dec 11 from 9am-4pm. The retreat is free and no pre-registration is required. 
*Finally, next Friday, December 17, is Evening with the Heart of Jesus – please plan to come for part or all of this beautiful evening of praise and worship, teaching, testimony and prayer. 
More tomorrow – Have a wonderful evening – Stay warm!!
 “May the Holy Spirit enkindle you with the fire of His Love so that you may persevere, unfailingly, in the love of His service. Thus you may merit to become, at last, a living stone in the celestial Jerusalem.”
–St. Hildegard von Bingen