– Due to the bomb threat downtown and many of our evening volunteers unable to make it across the bridge we are going to close Adoration at 5pm. Please keep the first responders in your prayers. – A reminder that Fr. Jim Hayden is here for daily Mass tomorrow (Friday) at 8:30. There will be no confessions tomorrow because Fr. Peter is on Beaver Island. – This weekend is food pantry weekend! Baskets for food donations will be at the church entrances and green envelopes for money donations will be in the pews. – Just a few more days to sign up for a free family photo for the Parish directory. Please sign up online: ucdir.com. Church code: mi1683, password is photos. – Finally don’t forget about our Parish Feast Day celebrations this weekend! – Saturday – Adoration Under the Stars 8-9:30pm – Sunday – Parish Picnic 12-3pm – Enjoy the beautiful weather this evening! |