Good Morning!

We have a guest priest this weekend. Fr. Jim Siler will be here for the weekend Masses while Fr. Peter fills in for him at St. Augustine in Hillman. 
The Augustine Institute is hosting a 1/2 day virtual Advent conference on Wednesday, November 20. The conference is free & you can register here:
This weekend is food pantry collection weekend. There are green envelopes in the pews and you can make your canned/boxed food donations in the baskets at the doors of the church. 
Children’s Faith Formation is from 9am-9:50am on Sunday.
Middle School/High School Youth Group will take place Sunday evening from 6-8pm. All are welcome! 
We will finish up the Symbolon faith formation series on Wednesday at 6:30 with episode 10 – The Last Things. 
Our Advent Meditation series, “Rejoice!” will kick off next weekend after the Masses in the Parish Center. 
Georgeann Lindberg is organizing a mission trip to Killimanjaro. Details in the flyers attached below. Please note that if you are interested in this trip, your down payment is due this Monday, November 15. For more information please call Georgeann: 231-649-1845.
Finally, Dr. Richard Wakulat passed away on Thursday morning. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. The funeral will be next Saturday, November 20 at 11am with a funeral luncheon to follow. 
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Have a wonderful weekend – stay warm & good luck to all the hunters – be safe!
“Since love completes all, makes all hard things soft, and the difficult easy, let us strive to make all our acts proceed from love.”
-St. Arnold Janssen