Hope you all had a beautiful first full week of Lent. Just a few reminders as we head into the weekend:
- A reminder that Sunday Mass times are 8am and 10am so that Fr. Peter can get to Beaver Island for the 12:15pm Mass.
- If you can help usher at the 8am Mass on Sunday, please call the Parish office 547-6652 or let the on-duty Sacristan know before Mass starts.
- Also a reminder that Father Peter will be hearing confessions before Masses throughout the Lenten season.
- We are also in need of help with cleaning/disinfecting the church after all the Masses. Please click to sign up here or call the parish office to let Mindy know you can take a slot. We need help at all Masses & it only takes a few minutes if we have 3-4 people to help out.
- The Lenten Formation Group Study continues on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. If you are interested in participating next week, please call the Parish office: 547-6652. We also have a zoom option available. If you are unable to attend but would still like to watch the series, it is available on FORMED.org and the study guide materials are available here.
- We will continue offering a “High-Risk” Mass for our parishioners who are high-risk or have family members who are high-risk at the Saturday 4pm Vigil Mass. The back entry doors to the church will be unlocked for entry and exit for the hi-risk people, and then the wooden interior doors at the back of the church will be closed so that the church vestibule will be cordoned off for the high-risk group. Thanks for your patience and consideration as we strive to make everyone feel comfortable coming back to Mass.
- Mr. Ed Linse has a birthday coming up on March 11. If you would like to send a card, his address is below or you can drop it at the Parish office for mailing.
- Our next Fish Fry is Friday, March 5 starting with takeout at 5pm.
- Also below is a letter from our Apostolic Administrator, Rev. William Hurley, as well as 2 short videos from the Archdiocese of Detroit regarding the return to Mass this Lent. These materials can also be found on the Diocesan website.
Have a blessed weekend!
“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary.” — St. Gertrude the Great |