Good Morning, happy second week of Advent!
Thanks to everyone who attended the Christmas in Bavaria Dinner and our Gingerbread House/Crockpot Social this past weekend. Both events were wonderfully attended & lots of fun was had by all! St. Mary will be hosting a pilgrimage to Italy next fall. If you are interested in learning more, there is a brochure attached at the bottom of this email. We are also working on booking a Q&A session with a representative from Corporate Travel in the near future. Stay tuned for more details!
We are going to move the Christmas trees into the church on Wednesday at 11am. If you can help move trees and/or put lights on them for an hour or so, please let us know! Thanks in advance. We are looking for help with Adoration. We have available time slots for 2pm and 4pm and are in need of subs for 7pm. If you can help, please call Mrs. Joy in the Parish office: 547-6652 . A reminder that St. Mary is hosting an Advent Penance Service on Tuesday at 6pm. We will have 4 or 5 priests here from area churches to hear confessions.
St. Mary School’s Christmas Program is on Thursday this week at 6pm in the church. All are welcome to attend!
Finally, if you’re in the mood for even more fun on Thursday evening, Fr. Peter will be singing in a good-natured “karaoke-off” against Pastor Chip Sauer from the Community Reformed Church starting around 8pm at The Happy Troll (formerly Scovies), downtown Charlevoix. Come and cheer for Fr. Peter ! |