– Please join us as we pray day 2 of the St. Joseph Novena (if you missed yesterday you can start today and pray through to March 19, the Feast Day of St. Joseph). * Novena prayer, March 10th – March 18th: “Oh St. Joseph, most faithful spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and most faithful guardian of our Lord Jesus Christ, you remained obedient to the Divine plan and became the humble protector of the Holy Family. Within your heart you held the greatest love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Your fidelity and constancy are for us a demonstration and witness of the way every Christian should live out their call to discipleship, by keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus and Mary. How well you knew their hearts and how faithfully you served them. Intercede for us oh St. Joseph and show us the Sacred and Immaculate hearts, that we may live in ever greater union with God’s beautiful plan for us. May our hearts beat in unison with theirs. May our minds be enlightened by their inspirations. May we spend all our strength in dutiful service of their holy will, and may we strive to live your fidelity, persevering until the end. Oh St. Joseph, hear the intentions we now offer you (offer your intentions). Joseph most faithful, pray for us!” May his intercession bring you protection, guidance and peace.
