Good Monday Afternoon!

* Just a few reminders to kick off the week:
– The food pantry has put out an urgent request for donations to fund the purchase of turkeys and pie filling for families in need at Thanksgiving time. Donations can be made online or by dropping a check to the Parish office. 
– Tickets are now on sale for our very first Christmas in Bavaria dinner. You can purchase tickets after Masses this weekend, online, or by calling the Parish office. Please join us to make this first annual event a fun and memorable evening – a great way to kick off the Advent season with friends and family!
– A reminder that Fr. Peter will be gone starting Wednesday afternoon until Saturday, 11/25. The Mass schedule for the next 2 weeks is as follows:11/13 (today) – 5:00pm – Fr. Peter, 11/14 & 11/15 – 8:30am Mass – Fr. Peter, 11/16 – 8:30am – Fr. Jim Silar, 11/17 – 1:00pm Funeral Mass for Jerry Sladek – Fr. Jim Silar (no Adoration or Holy Hour on Friday), 11/18 & 11/19 – weekend Masses – Fr. Ray Cotter, 11/20 – 11:00am – Funeral Mass for Anthony Caposieno – Fr. Matthew Cowan, 11/23 – 8:30am – Fr. Jim Hayden
– Finally, in lieu of Fr. Peter leaving on Wednesday, he will be offering confessions on Tuesday (tomorrow) this week from 5:30-6:30pm.
* Have a great evening!