Good Friday Afternoon!

*Just a few quick reminders for the weekend:
-This weekend we celebrate First Friday and First Saturday. Masses will be at 8:30 am. Confessions will be offered after the First Saturday Mass.
– If you missed the Synod discussions last weekend but would still like to participate, you can access the questions here and email them to Liz Gengle:
* There are a number of things going on after the Masses this weekend:
– We will have parents in the exit hallways with petitions for the “Let Kids Learn” petition drive, please take a moment to sign.
– We will also have flowers for all the mothers after Masses, and Fr. Peter will be doing the May Mary crowning following all the Masses so don’t run away after the final blessing! 
– Fr. Peter will hear confessions before all the weekend Masses.
*Enjoy your Friday and have a wonderful weekend! And Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful mothers!