Good Afternoon!

Happy Friday – Some updates for this weekend: 

  • The Bishop has updated the COVID-19 Protocols for Liturgical Celebrations. Please see a copy of his communication below.
  • This weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday, our annual worldwide Eucharistic celebration for the missions and missionaries of the world. Donations may be made online or in designated offertory baskets this weekend.
  • Faith Formation for grades K-5 begins this Sunday, October 18 from 9:15-10:45am. Faith Formation will meet 3 Sundays a month. Registration will be available prior to the beginning of class. Please join us for a great year of studying God’s Holy Word in Sacred Scripture!
  • Additionally, Sacrament Preparation for Year III (First Eucharist and Confirmation Preparation) has begun! If you missed the first parent + child class on October 11, please contact Liz Gengle for information and to register for the program. If you have a child entering Year II (preparing for their First Reconciliation), their first Sacrament Preparation class will be held on Sunday, October 25th from 9:15-10:45am.
  • We continue the 40 Days for Life Devotional through November 1. Please join us on this 40-day prayer campaign to battle against abortion. More information can be found on the website:
  • If you can help clean after Masses this weekend please sign up here. Starting this weekend we will no longer be holding 11am Mass outside so it is very important that we have people signed up to help clean between the 9am and 11am Masses. Please help if you are able!
  • The USCCB guidelines on Faithful Citizenship are available on the USCCB website to provide guidance for Catholics in the upcoming elections.
  • Father Peter’s new weekly article, Gospel Poweris now available on the Petoskey News Review’s website.
  • We are still looking for someone to fill the part-time custodial/maintenance position for the Parish/School. This position averages 12 hours per week from about 10am-12:30pm Monday-Friday. If you (or someone you know) are interested, please contact Kendall Hayes – 231-547-6652.
  • This weekend’s bulletin can be found here.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

“Cheerfulness prepares a glorious mind for all the noblest acts.” — St. Elizabeth Ann Seton