Good Afternoon!

We have officially kicked off the school year at St. Mary School – things look a little “different” at drop off, pick up, and throughout the day, but nevertheless things are going smoothly and we are looking forward to a great year.

Hopefully you all got Father Peter’s letter this afternoon. Sorry about the multiple emails today!
Some Parish updates before the weekend:

  • Dennis Carr passed away yesterday. Please keep Connie and their family and friends in your prayers during this difficult time.
  • Father Peter has been relieved of his duties at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in East Jordan. Our former associate pastor, Fr. Matthew Furgiuele, will now serve as the new administrator for St. Joseph.
  • The Reconciliation schedule this week will be Tonight (Wednesday) from 5-7pm and Friday from 12-1pm. There will be no confessions from 4-6pm on Friday as Fr. Peter will be leading Adoration at the Evening of Praise in Indian River on Friday night.
  • We will have a Liturgical Minister training on Tuesday, September 8th at 5:30pm. If you are interested in becoming a reader or would just like a refresher course, please join us next Tuesday evening in the church.
  • The Diocese has put out some voter resources for the upcoming elections. They can be found here on the Diocese website.
  • We continue to pray the 54 day Rosary Novena for the petition of God’s peace and blessing in our country as we approach the election. You can sign up for reminders at this website:
  • Don’t forget on Friday, September 4, starting at 6:30pm. Cross in the Woods Parish is hosting an event called The Power of Jesus: An Evening of Praise, Preaching, Eucharist Adoration & Healing Prayer with Fr. Patrick Gonyeau. The event will take place outdoors (weather permitting) and will close at 8:30pm. Fr. Patrick and his trained prayer ministers have offered to remain after the event to pray over people who so desire. Please see the flyer on our website for more information.
  • We have a lot of very lovely pottery and dishes leftover from parish gatherings over the last 12 months. Please see the pictures below to see if any of these items belong to you. They will be going to the Rainbow Shoppe if they are not claimed by next Friday!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!