I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine today – it is looking like we are in for another beautiful weekend here in Charlevoix!
- This weekend, we hear the story of when Jesus walked across the sea and rescued Peter with an outstretched hand when Peter became afraid of the wind and stormy water. This story reminds us to constantly seek Jesus when we encounter difficulty or challenges. God loves us and is waiting for us to call upon Him! The readings can be found here on the USCCB website.
- We will plan on outdoor Mass on Sunday at 11:00 am – the forecast says sunny and 77 degrees.
- We will need some extra help cleaning after the 4:00 pm and 9:00 am Masses this weekend. Please consider sharing 10-15 minutes of your time with us to help with disinfecting surfaces. Click here to sign up.
- St. Matthew’s Parish Festival will be celebrated on Sunday, August 23rd. The format will be “virtual” this year with an online auction, 50/50 raffle, and a curbside pickup Polish Dinner from 12:00 – 2:00 pm. For more information, please visit the Boyne Catholic Community website: www.jamcc.org
- Fr. Peter’s article is now online – click here to read it
- Click here for this weekend’s bulletin
- Another reminder that Catholic singer-songwriter Santiago Fernandez of the Archdiocese of Detroit is hosting a live night of praise on Saturday, August 8 from 9-10 pm. To participate in this virtual event, visit: https://www.facebook.com/santiagofernandezmusic/
- Next weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption and we will begin the 54 day Rosary Novena for Peace. Please see the informational video on YouTube here. The Novena will begin on August 15 and we will pray a daily Rosary through October 7 – the Feast of our Lady of Most Holy Rosary. Please consider joining us in prayer.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
“Where there is no obedience there is no virtue, where there is no virtue there is no good, where there is no good there is no love, where there is no love, there is no God, and where there is no God there is no Paradise.” — St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina |