Good Afternoon!

– Good Afternoon! Hope you all are having a very blessed Friday as we head into the 4th week of Advent. 
Evening with the Heart of Jesus begins at 6pm tonight  – please plan to come for part or all of this beautiful evening of praise and worship, teaching, testimony and prayer.
– We will have donuts this weekend after the Sunday Masses. Please stop in for fellowship and fun! 
– This Sunday at 11:15am is the final week of the Rejoice! Advent program. Please join us in the Parish center for a short video and reflection. 
Children’s Faith Formation will meet this Sunday from 9:00am-9:50am. 
Youth Ministry for grades 6-12 meets Sunday evening from 6-8pm in the Parish Center. We are having a “White Elephant” Gift Exchange.  Please bring a wrapped gift ($5 or less, no food or candy) to exchange. We will also be decorating the Church for Christmas! Food, games, and great fun – join us and bring your friends!
– Finally, with all of our snowbirds starting to leave us, we need some extra help around the church! Please call the Parish office (547-6652) if you are interested in any of the following ministries: Adoration on Thursdays and Fridays, Liturgical and Eucharistic Ministers (daily and weekend Masses), Funeral Luncheon Ministry, Altar Servers, Sacristans.
– Have a great weekend!
“Upon receiving Holy Communion, the Adorable Blood of Jesus Christ really flows in our veins and His Flesh is really blended with ours.”
–St. John Vianney

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