Good Afternoon, and Happy belated Feast of St. Lawrence! Just a few reminders for the mid-week: -This weekend is Food Pantry Weekend. We will have green envelopes in the pews and food collection baskets at the church entrances. -The Diocese will begin offering Eucharistic Minister certification and re-certification sessions this fall. If you are interested in training to be a Eucharistic Minister, please call the Parish office to sign up (547-6652). We will post the training schedule as soon as we hear from the Diocese. -There will be a special collection for the Seminarian Education Fund the weekend of August 28-29 to help support our seminarians’ education and formation. The Diocese will be doing a direct mailing next week with more information on how to contribute to this collection. -There will be no donut Sunday this weekend – come to the Parish Picnic instead! 12-3pm at Ferry beach. Please bring a dish to pass. –Adoration under the Stars starts at 8pm on Saturday. We will have an ice cream social and then spend about an hour outside in prayer and song. -Finally, in case you missed it, here is the link to the Assumption Novena for prayers leading up to the Feast of the Assumption this weekend. Enjoy the sunshine this afternoon! “To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them.” — St. Thomas Aquinas |