Friday Check In

Good Morning, hope you all are having a wonderful first week of Advent!
– A reminder that we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception today, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass tonight is at 5:30pm. 
– This weekend is Food Pantry weekend. Green envelopes will be in the pews and food baskets at the Parish entryways. Thank you all for your generosity this month! 
– We have worship aides available for the Masses during the season of Advent. They will be available at the doors to the church and/or distributed by the Mass greeters/ushers. Fr. Peter would also like to begin praying the Unity Prayer as a congregation before Masses. The prayer is now attached on the front inside cover of the red hymnals in the pews.
Christmas Trees Still Needed! If you have a spare Christmas tree that we could borrow (any shape/size) for the Bavarian Dinner, please let Liz Gengle know: or 547-6652. Trees are going up in the Parish center now and they can be picked up after Masses on Sunday the 10th following the dinner. (Trees will be tagged at the base with your name/phone number so they don’t get mixed up – just please remember to let us know what you dropped off!)
White Plastic Tables – we are missing 4 of our 6-foot white plastic tables & need them for the Christmas dinner. If you borrowed them, please bring them back! 
– If you haven’t already, please finish up your shopping for the Giving tree and return it to the Parish this weekend. Thank you for helping our local families in need.  
– We are looking for help with Adoration – time slots for 2pm and 4pm and subs for 7pm. If you can help, please call Mrs. Joy in the Parish office: 547-6652.
– Finally, St. Mary School is hosting its annual gingerbread house/crockpot lunch on Sunday starting at 11am. Please come & bring a bag of candy for decorations and a crockpot of anything – soup, stew, jambalaya (!) to pass! All are welcome – please join us!
– Have a great day – hope to see you at Christmas in Bavaria!