Good Evening! – Thanks to everyone who attended the St. Mary School Northern Lights Celebration last night – what an enjoyable evening! Early numbers show that we raised about $67,000 for St. Mary School and $9,500 for our twist table agencies. Thank YOU!! The link to the video of the school children is here if you are interested in sharing it with anyone – or watching again! Also, we did find a light blue purse (no identification inside) during cleanup so if you are looking for it, it can be picked up in the Parish office. – Finally, if you were not able to attend but would still like to make a donation to St. Mary School, you can make a donation online & designate “Catholic Education and note Northern Lights.” – Don’t forget to sign your children, grandchildren and neighbors up for Stellar Vacation Bible School! June 26-June 30 here at St. Mary Parish. – A reminder that the funeral Mass for Gerry Thompson begins at 9am tomorrow morning with a bruncheon to follow. Thanks to everyone for all the help in the kitchen this week! – Please join us after tomorrow’s Vigil Mass for our Corpus Christi Celebration. As a reminder, we will process with the Eucharist after Mass, then return to the church for praise & worship. At 6:30 we will begin Adoration and also have a potluck dinner in the Sacred Heart Garden. There are still a lot of slots available for all-night Adoration. Please visit the sign-up genius to take an hour with Jesus on Saturday night. – Finally, this weekend is food pantry weekend – the green envelopes will be in the pews and food baskets at the church entryways. – Have a wonderful weekend! |