* Just a few reminders for the rest of the week: – We still need lots of you to sign up for a photo slot for our Parish directory! The church code is mi1683 and the password is photos. Everyone who sits for a photo will receive a free 8×10 photo of their family portrait. We will start making appointment calls soon to those who haven’t signed up – it’s really important to have as many of your beautiful faces in our directory as possible! – This weekend is our annual Seminarian collection weekend. Many of you should have received a letter from the Diocese today. Please keep our Seminarians in your prayers. – We are also focusing on our CSA campaign. We have raised 40% of our $92,442 goal. It is our hope to have most of this money collected by the end of October so if you haven’t contributed yet, please pray about this and consider giving toward our St. Mary Parish CSA goal. – Finally, we will kick off our Parish Feast Day celebrations with Adoration Under the Stars on Saturday, August 13, starting with an ice cream social at 8pm and then Adoration from about 8:30-9:30pm. On Sunday, August 14, we will celebrate with a Parish Picnic at Ferry Beach. Hotdogs, bratwurst, and soft drinks will be provided, please bring a dish to pass! Enjoy the rest of your evening! |