This year’s Diocesan Catholic Services Appeal goal has been announced: $92,442.
Because our goal has increased significantly over last year, we would like to be a little more active this year in campaigning and fundraising for the CSA.
We have met our 2021/2022 goal and so will continue our practice of setting aside 10% of our monthly offertory for CSA through June. This should result in approximately $12,000 toward the 2022/2023 CSA goal.
Along with this, we would like everyone to take a pledge card home this weekend and please take the week to discern and pray over this coming year’s pledge. Next weekend, we ask that you bring your filled out pledge cards back and drop them in the offertory baskets at collection or after Mass. Fr. Peter will also speak about this after the weekend Masses. The most important thing is that we get 100% participation. No matter how big or small your gift is, please give toward the CSA so we can raise the money quickly to hit our goal!
Thank you for your prayers and generosity toward our yearly support of the Diocese mission. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Parish office.
Enjoy your day! *SYNOD DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – How is this “journeying together” to announce the Gospel happening today in our local parish, campus ministry, university, religious congregation? – Who else do we need to reach out to, listen to and learn from, or to include in our synodal consultations and in our faith community? – Whose voices are currently not being heard? – Who is absent from these discussions? – What do you think would make our parish (or ecclesial community) better? – What can each of us do and what can we do collectively to make it better? – “Synodality” asks us to be energetic and involved ambassadors of our faith through conscientious listening and sharing of insights to advance Jesus’ mission in the world. How do we see our parishioners becoming more aware of how much their faith and insights count — and need to be heard? – What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our journeying together? |