Good Afternoon!

Daylight Savings Time ends on (early) Sunday morning. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour on Saturday night or you’ll be very early for Mass on Sunday! 🙂
Donut Sunday is on this weekend after the Sunday morning Masses.
Children’s Faith Formation is from 9am-9:50am on Sunday.
Middle School/High School Youth Group will take place Sunday evening from 6-8pm.
We had a small goof in the bulletin this weekend. Please see the correction below on Mass intentions for the upcoming week. 
Adult Faith Formation will continue next Wednesday at 6:30 with episode 9 – Mary and the Saints. 
We are excited to announce that we will be kicking off the Advent Meditation series “Rejoice!” starting Sunday, November 21 in the Parish Center. More details to come on this! 
The St. Mary School Children finalized their Festival of Saints Project earlier this week. Scroll down for the video! We are so proud of our students (and teachers!) for their hard work on this project. Special thanks to Mr. Solomon and Miss Bloomquist for putting the video together!
Finally, dates for the special events during Advent can be found on the poster below. We are looking forward to a beautiful Advent Season with you all! 
Have a wonderful weekend – enjoy the sunshine! 

Weekly Mass Intentions 

Monday, November 8, 7pm
Offered for the intentions of Mia Houck by Peggy Spang

Tuesday, November 9, 8:30am
Offered for Richard Martin by Margaret Martin

Wednesday, November 10, 8:30am
Offered for the intentions of Colton Yesney by Peggy Spang

Thursday, November 11, 8:30am
Offered for Ben Belobradich by Doug and Michelle Buday

Friday, November 12, 8:30am
Offered for Eleanor Sadowski by Eleanor Sadowski

Saturday, November 13, 4pm
Offered for Jim Ehinger by Ona Miller

Sunday, November 14, 8am
Offered for Ann DiMartino by the DiMartino family

Sunday, November 14, 10am
Offered in Pro Populo
“We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people, and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God.”
— St. Vincent de Paul
St. Mary School Festival of Saints Project!