Just a few additions to the weekend news from yesterday: Father Peter and the St. Mary Prayer team wanted to share the video below in advance of Wednesday’s Evening with the Heart of Jesus Healing Service. In this short video, Fr. Peter and Kerry Keyser walk through what to expect at Wednesday’s healing service. There will be a special collection this weekend to assist with the humanitarian crisis facing the people of Haiti this weekend, following the 7.2 magnitude earthquake last Saturday. You can also donate to this fund online at dioceseofgaylord.org. Finally a reminder that St. Michael High School, A Chesterton Academy will be hosting a bake sale after all Masses this weekend. The funds raised from this bake sale will go toward helping one of their dear teachers, Mr. David Peck, with traveling expenses to and from the Mayo Clinic for some pretty heavy duty medical care. If you are able to help Mr. Peck and his family, please stop by the booth to make a donation. Additionally, if you would like to bake something for the bake sale, please deliver it to the parish kitchen by 2pm on Saturday. Thank you in advance! (We will have coffee available in the Parish Center on Sunday for you to enjoy with your baked treats!). Enjoy the weekend! |