Good Afternoon! Our list of weekend announcements is growing….it must be summertime! A reminder that the dispensation from attending Mass has been lifted. We look forward to seeing you back in church soon! All entrances will be open now for Masses on Sunday. We will continue the high-risk section in the back of the church at the 4pm Mass on Saturdays so please refrain from using the back doors for the weekend Vigil Mass. We are planning on outdoor Mass on Sunday at 10am, weather permitting. Please remember to bring a lawn chair and if you can help with set up/tear down it would be much appreciated. Many hands make light work! We still need some help with Adoration on Thursdays. If you are able to spend an hour with Jesus between 6pm – 8pm, please call the Parish office to let Mindy know. Another reminder to please take a moment to sign the petition for the passage of the Hyde Amendment which calls for No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion. This amendment, which has been in place since 1976, is now in danger of being repealed, which would result in your tax dollars being used for funding abortions in the United States and overseas. More information can be found on the website: notaxpayerabortion.comThe Joppa House will be hosting an open house and their annual Sunbonnet Tea on Saturday, June 19th. The open house runs from10am – 2pm, and the fundraiser tea begins at 3pm. Cost for the tea is $20, tickets can be purchased on the Joppa House website.This weekend is Food Pantry Weekend – baskets for food donations will be at the church doors and green envelopes will be available for donations. Thank you for remembering our Community Food Pantry! A reminder that there will be no confessions 4pm-6pm on Fridays this summer due to the number of weddings we have scheduled. We will still have confessions from 12pm-1pm and Adoration from 12pm-4pm, and Father Peter will continue to hear confessions before all weekend Masses. Finally, we are thrilled to announce that Donut Sunday returns this weekend! Please stop in the Parish Center after Masses on Sunday for fellowship and refreshments. Enjoy the sunshine & stay cool! “The most deadly poison of our time is indifference. And this happens although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise him to the greatest extent of our powers.” — St. Maximilian Kolbe |