Hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine today – it’s cold but it sure is nice to see the sun! A reminder that Sunday Mass times are 8am and 10am so that Fr. Peter can get to Beaver Island for the 12:15pm Mass. This weekend is Food Pantry Weekend. Please make donations in the green envelopes or leave food donations in the baskets outside the doors to the church. We are still looking for some usher help at the 8am Mass on Sunday. If you would like to help out, please call the Parish office 547-6652 or let Annie Joy know before Mass starts. We are also in need of help with cleaning/disinfecting the church after all the Masses. Please click to sign up here or call the parish office to let Mindy know you can take a slot. We need help at all Masses & it only takes a few minutes if we have 3-4 people to help out. On “Fat Tuesday,” February16, Dr. Tim Grey and Curtis Martin will be hosting a special episode of the Augustine Institute Show, “Prepare Your Heart for Lent” starting at 7pm on Formed.org. On Wednesday, February 17, we will begin our Wednesday Lenten Formation Group Study from 6:30-7:30pm. Please click here for the link to the trailer. If you are interested in participating, please call the Parish office: 547-6652. Ash Wednesday Masses are on Wednesday at 8:30am and 5:30pm. Starting next weekend, we would like to try a “High-Risk” Mass for our parishioners who are high-risk or have family members who are high-risk, making it difficult for them to attend Mass on a regular basis. The idea would be to prop the back doors of the church open to create more air flow, and close the wooden doors on the aisles of the main church so that the church vestibule would be cordoned off for this group. We can space out chairs in the back so those attending are socially distanced, and Fr. Peter would distribute communion to the people in the back first, and then return to the rest of the congregation for communion and the final blessing. We would like to try this starting at the 4pm Mass on Saturday, February 20. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know. Fish Frys have also been scheduled for the Lenten season. This year will be take-out only. Dates are 2/19, 3/5 and 3/19. Finally, Father Peter’s article, Calling out the Illness is now available on the Petoskey News Review’s website. Enjoy your weekend! “Totally love Him, Who gave Himself totally for your love.” — St. Clare of Assisi |